Part of a Celebration

I have no fear.

I laugh at the future, for I know my God will not lead me anywhere to abandon me.

There is a reason for every season, even when I can’t see it.

They’re all easy things to doodle in my journal or offhandedly reassure a friend with. As words, they’re easy to sprinkle like confetti on a conversation, a blog post, a journal entry. Lightweight and sparkly. But applying them is another story. Confetti doesn’t hold up well in a storm.

Thankfully, those words have power when they come from a place of genuine trust in my Lord. They’re harder to act on, but I’m not doing it alone.

Thankfully, I don’t serve a God that gives me nice words and then expects me to will them into action. I can do nothing good apart from Him.

He doesn’t just teach me the words; He showed me what they looked like in a real life.

He doesn’t just give me platitudes; He climbs into the trenches with me.

And best of all, He’s been faithful. He’s shown me how steadfast His love is.

I can have no fear because He’s kept His promises.

I can laugh at the future because He’s been faithful in the past.

I can know He won’t abandon me because He says He won’t, and I’ve learned to trust His promises.

There is a reason for every season in my life, because sometimes He blesses me with a glimpse of how He’s used the ones I’ve already fought through.

I don’t have platitudes, I have promises I’ve seen fulfilled.

These words might be confetti, but they’re just a part of a full-blown celebration.

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